Well, if February’s over, it must be nearly Spring.. . we could do with the weather improving a bit before we can say “For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come”, but maybe we’re on the way.
Drop-in this month will be this Thursday, March 6th, at Burnby Hall from 10.00 until 11.30 as usual. It was lovely to have a packed hall last month, with so many members turning up to renew their subscriptions. I hope the atmosphere will be repeated this month. Many thanks to all who have renewed promptly; if you haven’t got round to it yet, remember you can sort it out easily online and beat the queue! But you’re always welcome for conversation and coffee, whether or not you’ve come to renew.
Thank you, also, to all the members - over 350 so far - who have responded to the email asking you which of our groups you belong to. The more information we have, the more comprehensive understanding we have of activity in the P&D branch.
Last month the inaugural Board Games afternoon was greatly enjoyed by all who came, as a good friendly way to spend a chilly Saturday afternoon. A repeat session is planned for later in the year. Many thanks to Margaret for the idea and the organisation!
As the warmer weather gets going (we hope!), many outdoor groups will be starting up a fresh season. Have you considered croquet, golf, pétanque, birdwatching or joining a walking group? Or, if you’re still not ready to think in terms of outdoors, have a fresh look at what’s on offer on the website. There’s a new entry on the PickPock blog: the leader of our Rock Music Appreciation group has written a brief but informative account of the history of the group, which you can read at .
We also have a new group to look forward to: The English Language. This group is projected to meet for the first time on Monday 2 June 2025, depending on the availability of a suitable venue. The venue selected will depend on the number of members expressing interest in joining it. It will meet once a month.
The English language is very old yet constantly renewing itself, often in ways that many speakers, readers and writers of it don't like. This group will seek to explore some aspects of the language. If it were to last for five years it wouldn't do much more than the scratch the surface of the subject! Topics being considered include the history of the language; how babies and infants learn language; the meaning and use of grammar; accents, dialects and varieties of English around the world; and the impact on the language of such writers as Chaucer and Shakespeare.
Members of the group will be asked to raise topics in which they are particularly interested, and invited (very gently) to lead sessions if they would like to do so. Do consider giving it a try. If you don't like it, you don't have to come back! To express an interest, without making a commitment, please contact the Group Leader through our website.
We have a special anniversary this month – it was twenty years ago, on March 10th 2005, that Freda Snelson put out eighteen chairs for a meeting to propose the idea of a u3a branch in Pocklington. Fifty-four people turned up, and we have gone from strength to strength ever since then. We want to celebrate our twentieth anniversary with a special meeting or event later in the summer. Details have not been arranged as yet, but twenty years of history are something to be proud of. If you are a long-standing member and have memories or photos of early days you’d be willing to share, we’d love to hear from you.
There are, of course, other special days this month – St David’s on the 1st, St. Patrick’s on the 17th, and Mother’s Day on the 30th are well-known, though National Pig Day on the 1st had escaped my notice until now! Shrove Tuesday on the 4th marks the start of Lent, and the Spring Equinox on the 20th has also been designated International Day of Happiness. I don’t know who thinks all these things up, but I like the idea of that one!
In the meantime, let’s enjoy looking forward to the clocks changing in March ‘going out like a lamb’. Laugh, live, learn and look after yourselves.
Rosemary Waugh (Secretary)