French Discussion

We enjoy lively discussions on a wide variety of topics suggested by those in the group. Sessions are informal with a relaxed atmosphere and members join in with contributions as and when they wish. The meetings are held in the afternoon on the first Wednesday of the month from 2.00pm to 3.30pm. In addition, there are informal and optional meetings via ZOOM on other Wednesdays.

Please contact the Group Leader for confirmation of time and venue.

Contact Group Leader for more information




January'25 - Drop-In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am



February'25 - Drop_In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am



March'25 - Drop-In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am



April'25 - Drop-In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am


u3a Friends Newsletter - December'24

u3a Friends Newsletter - December'24

Welcome to the December 2024 issue of our u3a Friends Newsletter, Read the Newsletter...

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Pocklington & District u3a - Blog

Pocklington & District u3a - Blog

The idea of the Blog is to give a brief account from individual groups  and also mention o...

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