• Hayton Church

  • Burnby Hall Gardens

  • Burnby Hall Gardens

  • Burnby Hall Gardens

  • Giant Bradley, Market Weighton

Pocklington & District u3a was formed in 2005. Membership is open to everyone in the "Third Age" (who are no longer in full time employment). Our Membership is presently 680 (as of June 2023) and we currently have 69 groups. Click Here for the "Groups" page.

Our charity status

Pocklington & District u3a is a registered charity run by a voluntary Committee of Trustees, elected annually at the AGM. The Trustees take on the responsibility of ensuring that the organisation adheres to the stated aims and objectives of all u3a's published by The Third Age Trust and to the rules of the Charity Commission regarding governance and finance, as well as to the Constitution of their own U3A.

  • Registered Charity No. 113048

Our activities

The core of activities is provided through interest groups that meet in hired rooms, members’ homes or out of doors. These groups run on a self-help basis and are led by members. An annual Information Booklet provides members with details of all the groups and their activities.

Learn more about what we do

Up to date information is obtained by contacting the Group Leaders or at the monthly Drop-in meetings held on the first Thursday of the month at The Community Centre, Burnby Hall, Pocklington, from 10.00am to 11.30am. Here, members and prospective members can come along for a coffee and a chat and get the latest information about events and activities.

  • Anyone who is interested in starting a group should contact the Vice Chairman.

Our u3a is a registered charity and has a Committee, drawn from its members, who are each Trustees also.

  • The Committee ensure that the organisation adheres to the stated aims and objectives of all u3a's.
  • The Committee adhere to the rules of the Charity Commission regarding governance and finance, as well as those detailed within its own Constitution.

Your Committee welcome your suggestions and ideas for improving and enhancing our u3a.

  • There is a Suggestion Box available for members at Drop-ins so that they can post their initiatives for the consideration of the Committee monthly meetings. 

To contact your Committee, please use the following links:-

President - presidentpockdu3a@gmail.com / Chair - chairmanpockdu3a@gmail.com

Vice Chairman - vicepockdu3a@gmail.com  / Treasurer - treasurerpockdu3a@gmail.com

Membership Secretary - membershippdu3a@gmail.com

New Member Secretary - newmemberpdu3a@gmail.com

Secretary or Webmaster - secretarypockdu3a@gmail.com


The annual subscription, which is due on 1st April, is currently £12.00 and includes a contribution to the national organisation which covers insurance for activities and a quarterly national magazine. The subscription also funds local costs such as Drop-ins, the Information Booklets and some items for use by groups. All members are issued with a membership card which they need to produce from time to time when attending groups and which gives entry to Drop-ins.  New members are invited to a welcome meeting that enables them to meet members of the Committee, along with other new members, and to ask any questions they may have about the organisation and its many activities.





April'25 - Drop-In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am



May'25 - Drop-In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am



June'25 - Drop-In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am



July'25 - Drop-In

The u3a Drop-In sessions are usually held on the first THURSDAY of each month, between 10....

Burnby Hall Community Centre - The Balk, Pocklington
10:00 am to 11:45 am


YAHR Summer School - 2025

YAHR Summer School - 2025

See the attached Flyer for the YAHR Summer School, 18th - 21st August 2025.  &nb...

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u3a Friends Newsletter - March'25

u3a Friends Newsletter - March'25

Welcome to the March 2025 issue of our u3a Friends Newsletter, Read the Newsletter.

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